Everyone knows that a car accident can happen when one vehicle crashes into another vehicle. What some people may not realize is that car accidents sometimes happen in two stages. The first stage occurs when the initial crash happens. In some cases, a second stage happens when another vehicle collides with the initial accident. These second stage collisions are often due to the primary incident’s lack of visibility.
Primary Danger in a Rollover Accident
California Highway Patrol officers have seen many a fatal accident occur due to another vehicle crashing into an initial car accident. Cars that have flipped over can be especially hard to see at night. If their lights aren't working, other drivers may not see the accident in time to slow down and stop. In fact, rollover accidents account for nearly 35% of total traffic fatalities for passenger vehicles.
Can Accidents Like These Be Avoided?
Rollover accident scenes can pose a serious risk for secondary collisions, making it important that proper safety measures be taken to prevent such accidents. A Los Angeles firefighter believes that he has discovered a way to prevent these secondary fatal accidents from occurring. The invention is a lighting system that goes on the bottom of a vehicle. The system can sense if the car is at a 45 degree angle or has rolled over and will activate flashing lights on the bottom of the car to warn other drivers.
Some fatal accidents might be avoided if drivers had these lighting systems, or E.R.V.A.L. systems, installed on their vehicles. Instead of merely sustaining injuries in an accident, some victims are killed because another car crashes into a rollover accident or hits those waiting for help. An improved accident response lighting system could help decrease these fatality rates.
No E.R.V.A.L. System, So What’s the Next Solution?
While the patent is still pending for this invention, there are some things to think about. If a vehicle does not have the lights installed and a secondary accident results, is the driver more liable for any resulting damage? Or if the vehicle did have the lights installed but they failed to activate, who is liable?
Regardless, there haven’t been any more developments on the E.R.V.A.L. system. As such, drivers must continue to exercise extreme caution when driving at night to help prevent accidents.
Injured in a Vehicle Rollover?
Questions such as these need to be answered by an experienced car accident lawyer. While improvements to car’s lighting systems and accident responses are on the horizon, rollover accidents are still a problem with potentially fatal consequences. If you or a loved one have been involved in a rollover accident, don’t hesitate to contact our skilled San Diego accident attorneys from the McClellan Law Firm.
Don’t know if you have a case? Take advantage of our free consultation to learn about your options!